Women’s Sacred Dance Classes


My sacred dance practice began 14 years ago through participating in Tantric Dance classes facilitated by Loraia Ward. Through years of practice with Loraia, I developed a deep prayerful connection to my body.  In 2011, I began facilitating  weekly classes in Williams, Oregon.

The focus in my classes is on supporting and empowering women in their healing processes.  A sacred space is created and held for women to learn how to listen deeply to their bodies, therefore, understanding there own unique body wisdom in a way that they can fully process, express and reorganize held energies within. It is a beautiful and holy thing to behold, to be in the presence of the power and the wisdom of the feminine spirit as it remembers the embodied ways that we as women pray and heal.

Through a deeply receptive, inner focused and meditative style of movement, Women develop a container of consciousness that holds material in a very safe and grounded way.  The dancer  increases her sensitivity and receptivity to subtle energies that arise, learning how to absorb rather than dissipate them.  As these energies are absorbed, a woman’s container is strengthened and she is able to receive and generate higher frequencies within the body.  Women have the opportunity to  recirculate these energies with consciousness towards health and empowerment.  

Effects from the dance can be seen in various ways: 

  • Greater clarity

  • Deeper sense of empowerment

  • Enhanced core expression in one’s life

  • Ability to trust oneself and our inner wisdom

  • Deep connection to one’s body and a deeper understanding of the innate healing mechanism within….